Take the Pledge
Pledge to be LakesPROUD
Whether you’re an individual or a business, there are a bunch of ways to become involved and support Lakes PROUD. Your first step? Take the pledge and put it into action! All it takes is changing a single monthly purchase to support a business you believe in. Here’s the simple math:
70,000 adults enjoy life in Cass and Crow Wing Counties.
If all of us changed just one $50 monthly buying decision to support a local business, it would add up to $42 million to our regional economy every year!
3,000 businesses serve communities in Cass and Crow Wing Counties.
If all of them changed just one $500 monthly buying decision to support their local business friends, it would add up to $18 million to our regional economy each year!
That adds up to $60 million that could potentially stay in the lakes region.
Our vision is for everyone – consumers and businesses alike – to consciously choose goods and services that will strengthen our regional economy. With your support, we can make some waves!
What’s the Catch?
If you’re an individual, there’s no catch. No fees. No hoops. Simply click the button below and we’ll make it known that you’re a Lakes PROUD participant!
If you’re a business, there’s only one catch and it’s simple. In order to receive the free media kit and all of the marketing benefits that come with being a Lakes PROUD participant, you need to be a member of any one of our Chambers. Not sure if you’re a member or want more info? Contact us. We’d be happy to help!